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What is SmartEdit?

SmartEdit is an AI tool designed for content creators to effortlessly enhance their videos with trendy captions, perfect animations, and auto b-roll, thanks to its AI capabilities. It provides automatic smart editing to increase watch time, with 99.8% accurate transcription in 15 languages. Users can create captions, add animated emojis, and customize their videos to match their branding, elevating engagement. SmartEdit also offers integration of perfectly matched clips to captivate viewers and easily translate content into different languages to reach a wider audience. By automating tasks like adding captions and highlights, SmartEdit streamlines the video editing process for creators looking to boost their online presence.

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⭐ SmartEdit Core features

  • ✔️ Automatic smart editing
  • ✔️ 99.8% accurate transcription in 15 languages
  • ✔️ Adding animated emojis
  • ✔️ Customization to match branding
  • ✔️ Integration of perfectly matched clips

⚙️ SmartEdit use case ideas

  1. Enhance video content with trendy captions, animations, and auto b-roll using SmartEdit's AI capabilities to effortlessly increase viewer engagement and watch time.
  2. Automate the video editing process by utilizing SmartEdit's 99.8% accurate transcription in 15 languages, saving time and ensuring accurate captions for a global audience.
  3. Customize videos with animated emojis and branded elements, while seamlessly integrating perfectly matched clips to create captivating content that resonates with viewers.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Content creators

💰 SmartEdit Pricing

Prices are subject to change. Always verify pricing information.

Pro edition

$ 21/mo (billed annually)

Basic edition

$ 84/mo (billed annually)
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❓ SmartEdit FAQ

SmartEdit is an AI-powered tool for content creators, simplifying video editing with trendy captions, animations, and auto b-rolls. It offers smart editing, multilingual transcription, custom branding, and smooth integration for enhanced engagement and wider audience reach.
Getting started with SmartEdit is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
SmartEdit uses a Free trial pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of SmartEdit include:
  • Content creators
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SmartEdit enjoys a popularity rating of 4.78/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. It receives an estimated average of 28.0K visits per month, indicating interest and engagement among users.