AutoCut - Premiere Pro AI plugin website

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What is AutoCut - Premiere Pro AI plugin?

Autocut is a Premiere Pro plugin that simplifies video editing by offering numerous AI-based features to enhance the editing process.With Autocut, you can automatically perform multiple video editing actions like removing silences, adding animated captions, zooms, stock footage, and editing podcasts.

The plugin is designed to optimize editing time by cutting out silences in your video.Additionally, Autocut allows you to add animated subtitles with just one click, bringing your videos to life in an extraordinary way.

It also features automatic jump cuts, making your video content more engaging.Overall features include faster editing, autocaptions, autozoom, autocut repeat, autoresize, and autoprofanity filter.

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⭐ AutoCut - Premiere Pro AI plugin Core features

  • ✔️ automatic silences removal
  • ✔️ animated captions
  • ✔️ zooms
  • ✔️ stock footage
  • ✔️ edit podcasts
  • ✔️ autoB-Roll
  • ✔️ auto-cut repeats

⚙️ AutoCut - Premiere Pro AI plugin use case ideas

  1. Time-Saving Silence Removal: One of the use cases for Autocut is its ability to automatically remove silences in a video which can significantly speed up the editing process.
  2. Animated Captions: Autocut's AI-powered animated caption feature can be extremely useful to bring more engagement and liveness to your video productions.
  3. Enhancing Podcast Editing: In addition to regular videos, Autocut can be an invaluable tool for podcasters as well. Its AI-driven functionality allows for automatic cutting of repetitive segments, known as autocut repeat, which can help reduce the time taken for editing podcasts..

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Video editors
Film makers
Social media managers

💰 AutoCut - Premiere Pro AI plugin Pricing

Prices are subject to change. Always verify pricing information.

Basic plan


Ai plan

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❓ AutoCut - Premiere Pro AI plugin FAQ

Autocut is a Premiere Pro plugin that automates video editing workflows by offering numerous AI-based tools to enhance the editing process. With Autocut, you can automatically remove silences, add animated captions, zooms, stock footage, and edit podcasts.
Getting started with AutoCut - Premiere Pro AI plugin is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
AutoCut - Premiere Pro AI plugin uses a Free trial pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of AutoCut - Premiere Pro AI plugin include:
  • Video editors
  • Film makers
  • Podcasters
  • Youtubers
  • Social media managers
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AutoCut - Premiere Pro AI plugin enjoys a popularity rating of 5.01/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. It receives an estimated average of 46.2K visits per month, indicating interest and engagement among users.