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What is Happyml?

HappyML is an AI tool that enables you to launch AI chatbots trained on various files and websites within just 5 minutes.These chatbots are built using advanced AI language models, providing cutting-edge conversation capabilities.

With HappyML, you can easily connect APIs, files, and websites, and deploy the chatbots on platforms like Slack, Shopify, messengers and websites.The tool offers a seamless experience without the need for coding or complex setups.

Joining HappyML is free and doesn't require a credit card.Simply sign up with your Google account or create a new one to get started.

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⭐ Happyml Core features

  • ✔️ Custom chatbot builder
  • ✔️ Train on files and websites data
  • ✔️ Connect APIs, files, and websites
  • ✔️ Deploy anywhere (websites, messengers, etc)

⚙️ Happyml use case ideas

  1. Automate customer support with AI chatbots built and trained over your data.
  2. Enhance website user experience with AI chatbots to improve customer satisfaction.
  3. Streamline e-commerce operations with AI chatbots trained to answer customers questions.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Ai developers
Chatbot developers
Business owners
E-commerce managers
Digital marketing specialists
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❓ Happyml FAQ

HappyML AI is a chatbots builder, the chat agents can be trained on various files and websites within just 5 minutes. You can easily connect APIs, files, and websites, and deploy the chatbots on platforms like Slack and Shopify.
Getting started with Happyml is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Happyml uses a Freemium pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of Happyml include:
  • Ai developers
  • Chatbot developers
  • Business owners
  • E-commerce managers
  • Digital marketing specialists
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