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What is Droxy?

Droxy AI is an all-in-one, no-code chatbot builder that allows you to build AI chatbots.You can upload content from diverse sources such as PDFs, YouTube channels, custom video files, and websites to create a chatbot's knowledge base.

Personalize your chatbot's appearance and persona by choosing colors, images, names, and defining its role as a coach, assistant, or something else entirely.Share your chatbot with just a click, either keeping it exclusive with password protection or making it publicly accessible.

Integrate your chatbot seamlessly onto your website or extend its reach by integrating it with popular platforms like Discord.Droxy AI's chat feature elevates conversation experiences with the latest AI models, tailored interactions, and the ability to interact directly with uploaded resources such as PDFs, videos, and websites.

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⭐ Droxy Core features

  • ✔️ Build
  • ✔️ Customize
  • ✔️ Upload files
  • ✔️ Share
  • ✔️ Integrate into platforms

⚙️ Droxy use case ideas

  1. Create chatbots for customer service without code and embed on your website.
  2. Consolidating content across platforms for internal employees or customers.
  3. Chat with information sources like PDF, Videos and more.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Product managers
Customer support teams
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❓ Droxy FAQ

Droxy AI is a no-code chatbot builder. Upload content from various sources to create a chatbot's knowledge base. You can personalize the chatbot's appearance and integrate it with popular platforms like Discord.
Getting started with Droxy is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Droxy uses a Freemium pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of Droxy include:
  • Marketers
  • Product managers
  • Developers
  • Customer support teams
  • Educators
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Droxy enjoys a popularity rating of 4.29/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. It receives an estimated average of 9.8K visits per month, indicating interest and engagement among users.