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What is Ddict?

ddict Extension, Instantly translate sentences and look up words on any website with just a mouse click or keypress. Easily install the ddict extension on popular browsers like Chrome, Edge, Opera, Brave, and more to seamlessly translate content on the go. Developed and maintained by ddo, ddict has been enhancing language translation experiences for over a decade, catering to a user base of over 1 million monthly users worldwide. Enjoy the convenience of translating text directly on websites and accessing helpful tooltips with the latest update v5.2.12. Explore the possibilities with ddict's roadmap feature and experience language translation across various devices and text formats. Enhance your browsing experience and break down language barriers effortlessly with ddict.

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⭐ Ddict Core features

  • ✔️ Instant translation of sentences and word lookup on any website
  • ✔️ Easy installation on popular browsers like Chrome, Edge, Opera, Brave
  • ✔️ Enhanced language translation experiences for over a decade
  • ✔️ Roadmap feature for exploring possibilities
  • ✔️ Translation across various devices and text formats

⚙️ Ddict use case ideas

  1. Effortlessly translate foreign language articles or websites while browsing online, using the ddict Extension with just a click or keypress for instant translations on popular browsers like Chrome, Edge, and more.
  2. Improve language learning by quickly looking up unfamiliar words or phrases on any website with the ddict Extension, enhancing comprehension and vocabulary building while surfing the web.
  3. Enhance global communication and collaboration by seamlessly translating text on websites, enabling smooth interactions with international partners or clients using ddict Extension across various devices and formats.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Frequent internet users
Language learners
Professionals requiring translation
Browser extension users
Users seeking cross-device compatibility
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❓ Ddict FAQ

DDict browser extension provides instant translation and word lookup on any website with ease of use via mouse click or keypress. It supports popular browsers, offering smooth translations, helpful tooltips, and cross-device/format compatibility through its roadmap feature.
Getting started with Ddict is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Ddict uses a Free pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of Ddict include:
  • Frequent internet users
  • Language learners
  • Professionals requiring translation
  • Browser extension users
  • Users seeking cross-device compatibility
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