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What is Sheldon AI?

Sheldon is an AI assistant tool available as a Chrome extension that helps with various tasks such as generating emails, codes, and Excel formulas in seconds. It can also provide content for different types of marketing campaigns and help solve code problems. Sheldon is free to install and has received positive user reviews for its speed and efficiency. The tool is constantly evolving, and users can suggest additional features to the creators.

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⭐ Sheldon AI Core features

  • ✔️ Email generation
  • ✔️ Code generation
  • ✔️ Excel formula assistance
  • ✔️ Marketing campaign content creation
  • ✔️ Code problem solving

⚙️ Sheldon AI use case ideas

  1. Generate emails, codes, and Excel formulas quickly.
  2. Provide content for marketing campaigns.
  3. Solve code problems efficiently.

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Busy professionals
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❓ Sheldon AI FAQ

Sheldon is a free AI assistant tool that helps with various tasks such as generating emails, codes, Excel formulas and solving code problems. It constantly evolves based on user suggestions.
Getting started with Sheldon AI is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Sheldon AI uses a Freemium pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of Sheldon AI include:
  • Developers
  • Busy professionals
  • Students
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