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What is RadioNewsAI?

Radionewsai, the AI news anchor generator for radio stations. With Radionewsai, you can create automated newscasts within minutes, saving time and resources. This online tool sources daily news, weather updates, upcoming events, and sports updates for your radio station. The news stories are generated by AI and read by AI-generated news anchors, all at a fraction of the usual cost.

Radionewsai allows you to import content from your local website or RSS feed, transforming articles into news stories. You can tailor the output to your liking and even train the AI model to personalize the rewritten news stories. Before airing, you have the option to review and approve each news story.

With radionewsai, you can create a personalized newscast format effortlessly using the user-friendly drag and drop editor. You can also schedule regular updates for your newscast as frequently as desired. Customize announcements and closings to add a personalized touch. If you prefer, you can enhance your broadcast with radio imaging, including jingles and fillers.

Once generated, you can easily download the AI newscast from the provided link or FTP server and use it with your radio automation software.

Radionewsai supports multiple languages and allows you to use newscasts for multiple radio stations. Start using radionewsai today to create your first AI radio news anchor.

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⭐ RadioNewsAI Core features

  • ✔️ Automated news generation
  • ✔️ Daily news sourcing
  • ✔️ Weather updates
  • ✔️ Upcoming events and sports updates
  • ✔️ Personalized rewriting of articles

⚙️ RadioNewsAI use case ideas

  1. Create automated newscasts for radio stations.
  2. Personalize and tailor news stories for radio broadcasts.
  3. Schedule regular updates for newscasts automatically.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Radio station managers
Radio djs
Radio news directors

💰 RadioNewsAI Pricing

Prices are subject to change. Always verify pricing information.


additional usage-based ai audio generation a $0.025 per second


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❓ RadioNewsAI FAQ

Radionewsai is an AI-generated online tool for radio stations that creates automated newscasts using customizable daily news updates and can be easily integrated into radio automation software.
Getting started with RadioNewsAI is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
RadioNewsAI uses a Free trial pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of RadioNewsAI include:
  • Radio station managers
  • Radio djs
  • Radio news directors
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RadioNewsAI enjoys a popularity rating of 3.9/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. Specific monthly traffic data may not be available yet on our platform.