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What is Qualifyed.AI?

The AI tool predicts audience and lead scores. It helps marketers achieve higher ROA (return on advertising) on Facebook using lookalike audiences. As cookie-tracking becomes less reliable, the tool uses machine learning algorithms to analyze and unlock first-party data to target cold prospects with a high likelihood of conversion. The tool can ingest files of first-party personal identification information (PII) to create a model of buyers that can be applied to popular pre-scored lists of prospects. The tool can be used to target ads on Facebook via a Livreramp email hash list. The tool claims to have been used by Fortune 500 companies for several years and is now available to SMBs at a fraction of the cost of similar long-term contracts.

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⭐ Qualifyed.AI Core features

  • ✔️ Predicting
  • ✔️ Scores
  • ✔️ Facebook lookalike audiences
  • ✔️ Targeting
  • ✔️ Cold prospects

⚙️ Qualifyed.AI use case ideas

  1. Targeting cold prospects with high conversion likelihood.
  2. Creating models of buyers from first-party PII files.
  3. Targeting ads on Facebook via Livreramp email hash list.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Marketing professionals
Sales teams
Digital advertisers
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❓ Qualifyed.AI FAQ

The AI tool predicts audience and lead scores using lookalike audiences on Facebook, leveraging machine learning algorithms to target cold prospects with a high likelihood of conversion by analyzing first-party data.
Getting started with Qualifyed.AI is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Qualifyed.AI uses a Contact pricing model
The typical users of Qualifyed.AI include:
  • Marketing professionals
  • Sales teams
  • Digital advertisers
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Qualifyed.AI enjoys a popularity rating of 3.41/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. Specific monthly traffic data may not be available yet on our platform.