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What is Peoplexbot?

PxBot (People Experience Bot) is a custom GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) designed for businesses and HR consulting, aiming to streamline employee interactions and enhance user experiences.It replaces traditional Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) binders and FAQ pages by providing accurate responses derived from corporate materials, including websites, PDFs, documents, presentations, and YouTube videos.

The bot, trained by real human experts, offers instant multilingual responses with citations, ensuring employees have access to the right information at all times.By automating repetitive inquiries, PxBot saves time for both employees and managers, fostering a self-service environment and allowing for a focus on higher-level strategic tasks.

Additionally, PxBot prioritizes data security and privacy, with encrypted communication and no data sharing between bots, ensuring that sensitive corporate information remains protected.Overall, PxBot revolutionizes the way businesses engage with their employees, offering a smart, secure, and personalized experience while empowering users with instant access to essential resources.

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⭐ Peoplexbot Core features

  • ✔️ Custom chatbot search engine
  • ✔️ Content without compromising facts
  • ✔️ Fully managed service
  • ✔️ Accurate chatbot responses
  • ✔️ 92 languages

⚙️ Peoplexbot use case ideas

  1. Automating customer support.
  2. Improving internal communication.
  3. Enhancing social media management.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Business owners
Customer service teams
Human resources
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❓ Peoplexbot FAQ

Introducing People Experience Bot (PXBot), a custom GPT business tool designed to save employee time and improve customer engagement. PXBot is a fully managed service that uses accurate chatbot responses and provides content without compromising facts, all within a secure and privacy-first business-grade platform.
Getting started with Peoplexbot is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Peoplexbot uses a Free trial pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of Peoplexbot include:
  • Business owners
  • Customer service teams
  • Human resources
  • Employees
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