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What is TweetMe?

The TweetM AI tool generates tweets using a generic model or a custom AI model trained on up to 250 recent tweets fetched from Twitter through OpenAI. Users can write 10 free tweets and then select a freemium or paid plan to continue generating unlimited AI-written tweets. The tool requires connecting to Twitter and an OpenAI account. A code AI model builder is also available for users interested in building another custom AI model.

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⭐ TweetMe Core features

  • ✔️ Generate tweets using generic or custom ai models
  • ✔️ Connect to twitter and openai accounts
  • ✔️ Use freemium or paid plans to continue generating unlimited ai-written tweets
  • ✔️ Require code ai model builder for building custom ai models

⚙️ TweetMe use case ideas

  1. Generate engaging tweets for social media marketing.
  2. Create personalized tweets for brand promotion.
  3. Automate tweet creation for time-saving social media management.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Social media managers
Content creators
Digital marketers
Busy professionals
Small business owners
Individuals wanting to enhance their social media presence
Ai enthusiasts
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❓ TweetMe FAQ

The TweetM AI tool generates tweets using AI models and offers freemium and paid plans for unlimited AI-written tweets. Users can connect to Twitter, OpenAI, and build their own custom AI model.
Getting started with TweetMe is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
TweetMe uses a Free pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of TweetMe include:
  • Social media managers
  • Content creators
  • Digital marketers
  • Busy professionals
  • Small business owners
  • Individuals wanting to enhance their social media presence
  • Ai enthusiasts
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