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What is TutorMind?

Tutor Mind is an AI-powered tool that simplifies teaching by providing features such as lesson planning, essay checking, question generation, and plagiarism detection for teachers. It is designed to save time and make the workload easier for teachers, providing quality education. It offers four powerful tools to save hundreds of hours by allowing teachers to plan lessons, mark essays, and detect plagiarism quickly and easily. The tool also includes an advanced AI detector to check past student texts for authenticity instantly. Tutor Mind also provides an optimized large-screen mode for an excellent user experience.

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⭐ TutorMind Core features

  • ✔️ Lesson planning
  • ✔️ Essay checking
  • ✔️ Question generation
  • ✔️ Plagiarism detection

⚙️ TutorMind use case ideas

  1. Simplify lesson planning.
  2. Check essays for plagiarism.
  3. Generate questions for assessments.

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❓ TutorMind FAQ

Tutor Mind is an AI-powered tool that simplifies teaching through lesson planning, essay checking, question generation, and plagiarism detection features. It saves time and improves the user experience with a large-screen mode.
Getting started with TutorMind is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
TutorMind uses a Free trial pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of TutorMind include:
  • Teachers
  • Educators
  • Students
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