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What is LensAi?

Lensai is an AI-powered contextual advertising platform that helps publishers monetize web traffic by fine-tuning targeting and identifying relevant objects, logos, actions, and contexts to match with relevant ads. It offers advanced in-image and in-video advertising solutions that benefit key stakeholders in the digital advertising ecosystem and increases ROI for brands by offering unique associated advertising algorithms that tap into users' emotions and create a sense of urgency to buy products. Lensai Its comput vision solutions market target audiences based on content interests rather than user identity or behavior.

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⭐ LensAi Core features

  • ✔️ Contextual advertising
  • ✔️ Identifying relevant objects and contexts
  • ✔️ Fine-tuning targeting
  • ✔️ In-image and in-video advertising
  • ✔️ Emotions and sense of urgency

⚙️ LensAi use case ideas

  1. Monetizing web traffic.
  2. Increasing ROI for brands.
  3. Targeting audiences based on content interests.

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Digital marketers
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❓ LensAi FAQ

Lensai is an AI-powered contextual advertising platform that helps publishers monetize web traffic by fine-tuning targeting and identifying relevant objects, logos, actions, and contexts to match with relevant ads.
Getting started with LensAi is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
LensAi uses a None pricing model
The typical users of LensAi include:
  • Publishers
  • Digital marketers
  • Advertisers
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LensAi enjoys a popularity rating of 4.39/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. It receives an estimated average of 12.2K visits per month, indicating interest and engagement among users.