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What is College Tools - Homework Solver?

College Tools is a Learning Management System (LMS) integrated exam assistant designed for college students.It uses advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to offer precise solutions for quizzes, homework, and multiple-choice questions.

By providing an AI-powered Chrome extension, it enables users to concentrate on learning and meeting their academic objectives in a discreet manner.This versatile tool is compatible with various platforms such as Blackboard, Canvas, Top Hat, Moodle, and many others.

Some of College Tools' key features include the Snapshot function that captures questions from websites and displays answers within its popup extension.Additionally, there's a text selection option that lets users highlight any question on a website, right-click, and choose "Ask" to receive an answer.

This AI tool primarily focuses on assisting students with exam questions and homework by integrating with popular LMSs.Its multi-platform compatibility and features like Snapshot and Text Selection make it ideal for solving multiple-choice questions or obtaining answers from specific text selections across various websites.

By providing accurate solutions, College Tools allows students more time to focus on understanding concepts and achieving their academic goals.

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⭐ College Tools - Homework Solver Core features

  • ✔️ Homework solver
  • ✔️ LMS integration
  • ✔️ Chrome extension support
  • ✔️ Universally compatible
  • ✔️ Integration with Khan Academy
  • ✔️ Multi platform compatibility
  • ✔️ Snapshot feature for capturing questions
  • ✔️ Text Selection for asking questions from highlighted text

⚙️ College Tools - Homework Solver use case ideas

  1. Quickly solve homework assignments by capturing questions from LMS platforms like Blackboard and Moodle using College Tools' AI Chrome extension, ensuring fast and accurate answers while maintaining user privacy..
  2. Effortlessly integrate College Tools with online training platforms such as Khan Academy to access a vast library of educational resources and answers in real-time, boosting learning efficiency and academic performance..
  3. Improve exam preparation and study efficiency by using College Tools to seamlessly collaborate with peers on homework assignments, share knowledge, and receive instant feedback, ultimately saving time and enhancing grades..

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

High school students
College students
Online learners

💰 College Tools - Homework Solver Pricing

Prices are subject to change. Always verify pricing information.


$9.99/ mo


$59.99/ year
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❓ College Tools - Homework Solver FAQ

College Tools is an AI homework solver that integrates with popular learning management systems, helping students find answers faster with a discreet Chrome extension. It also supports online training platforms for seamless academic assistance.
Getting started with College Tools - Homework Solver is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
College Tools - Homework Solver uses a Freemium pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of College Tools - Homework Solver include:
  • High school students
  • College students
  • Online learners
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College Tools - Homework Solver enjoys a popularity rating of 5.46/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. It receives an estimated average of 120.8K visits per month, indicating interest and engagement among users.