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What is Circle Labs?

The Make AI tool allows users to create and chat with AI personalities designed to their specifications. With over 30 different pre-made shapes and the ability to design new ones, users can have unique conversations with their AI creations. The AI personalities are not scripted and provide unique responses.

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⭐ Circle Labs Core features

  • ✔️ Designing ai personalities
  • ✔️ Customizing conversations
  • ✔️ Chatting with ai personalities
  • ✔️ Using pre-made shapes

⚙️ Circle Labs use case ideas

  1. Create personalized chatbots for customer service.
  2. Develop unique AI characters for gaming or storytelling.
  3. Design AI companions for personal use.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Person interested in artificial intelligence
Person looking for customizable ai personalities
Person who wants to create ai for conversation
Person in need of a chatbot for their business or personal use
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❓ Circle Labs FAQ

The Make AI tool allows users to create and chat with customizable AI personalities.
Getting started with Circle Labs is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Circle Labs uses a Waitlist pricing model
The typical users of Circle Labs include:
  • Person interested in artificial intelligence
  • Person looking for customizable ai personalities
  • Person who wants to create ai for conversation
  • Person in need of a chatbot for their business or personal use
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