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What is Wisebot?

Wisebot is a tool that allows users to build AI chatbots based on their content, including texts, audios, and videos. The chatbots can be customized to fit the user's brand and embedded on their website or integrated with popular messaging platforms. The service offers features such as 24/7 availability, fast and accurate responses with references, follow-up questions, multilingual support, GDPR compliance, and enhanced security. Wisebot offers tiered pricing based on the number of chatbots required, and also provides add-ons such as data preparation and chatbot integration. The service caters to various industries, including businesses, content creators, institutions, and government agencies.

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⭐ Wisebot Core features

  • ✔️ Build ai chatbots
  • ✔️ Customize chatbots for branding
  • ✔️ Embed on website or messaging platforms
  • ✔️ 24/7 availability
  • ✔️ Fast and accurate responses with references
  • ✔️ Follow-up questions
  • ✔️ Multilingual support
  • ✔️ Gdpr compliance
  • ✔️ Enhanced security
  • ✔️ Tiered pricing based on number of chatbots
  • ✔️ Add-ons for data preparation and chatbot integration

⚙️ Wisebot use case ideas

  1. Business customer service.
  2. Content creator engagement.
  3. Government agency information dissemination.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Business owners
Digital marketers
Customer support teams
Educational institutions
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❓ Wisebot FAQ

Wisebot is an AI chatbot building tool with 24/7 availability, fast responses, and multilingual support. It offers customization, website embedding, and messaging platform integration.
Getting started with Wisebot is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Wisebot uses a Paid pricing model
The typical users of Wisebot include:
  • Business owners
  • Digital marketers
  • Customer support teams
  • Developers
  • Educational institutions
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