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What is Thinkforce?

Thinkforce is an AI-powered chatbot builder that utilizes GPT-4 technology to provide instant and accurate answers to business questions.With its powerful search and analysis capabilities, Thinkforce eliminates guesswork and helps businesses get immediate insights.

Thinkforce provides the ability to upload data and build a knowledge base effortlessly.Businesses can securely upload various types of data, including word documents and PDFs, and Thinkforce AI intelligently uses this information to provide precise responses.

Thinkforce also offers seamless integration with popular apps such as Slack, Instagram, Discord, Gmail, Google Drive, Google Sheets, Zendesk, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Trello, Asana, Jira, Notion, and Mailchimp.

This unified integration enables businesses to have an efficient workflow across digital platforms.

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⭐ Thinkforce Core features

  • ✔️ Upload data
  • ✔️ Integrate with apps
  • ✔️ Chat with knowledge base
  • ✔️ Train on your data
  • ✔️ Generate innovative suggestions

⚙️ Thinkforce use case ideas

  1. Instant business question answering.
  2. Data analysis and insights.
  3. Workflow automation and integration.
  4. Tech troubleshooting support.
  5. Idea brainstorming and innovation.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Business professionals
Team leads
Project managers
Data analysts
It specialists
Customer support

💰 Thinkforce Pricing

Prices are subject to change. Always verify pricing information.








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❓ Thinkforce FAQ

Thinkforce is an AI chatbot utilizing GPT-4 tech for instant, accurate business answers. It features powerful search/analysis, data uploading, app integration, enhancing employee efficiency, troubleshooting, and brainstorming.
Getting started with Thinkforce is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Thinkforce uses a Freemium pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of Thinkforce include:
  • Business professionals
  • Team leads
  • Project managers
  • Data analysts
  • It specialists
  • Customer support
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