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What is Thing Translator?

The AI tool allows users to take pictures of things they hear and have them automatically translated into different languages using Google's machine learning and Cloud Vision and Translation APIs. The tool was built by Dan Motzenbeck from Google Creative Lab and is part of Google Experiments collection. No pricing information or marketing fluff was provided.

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⭐ Thing Translator Core features

  • ✔️ Image recognition
  • ✔️ Language translation

⚙️ Thing Translator use case ideas

  1. Translate live speeches or lectures.
  2. Translate audio in videos or podcasts.
  3. Translate conversations in real-time.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Language learners
Foreign language students
International business professionals
Multilingual individuals
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❓ Thing Translator FAQ

The AI tool allows users to take pictures of things they hear and have them automatically translated into different languages using Google's machine learning and Cloud Vision and Translation APIs.
Getting started with Thing Translator is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Thing Translator uses a None pricing model
The typical users of Thing Translator include:
  • Travelers
  • Language learners
  • Foreign language students
  • International business professionals
  • Tourists
  • Multilingual individuals
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