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What is Summarizethis?

Summarize is an AI tool that helps you summarize text, PDFs, YouTube videos, and Twitter threads. It has been used by over 1000 people and offers a free iOS app with additional shortcuts. With open AI API integration, you can easily summarize any type of content with the option to set your desired text size. It supports summarizing YouTube videos by simply pasting the video URL or by extracting captions. You can also summarize Twitter threads by pasting the thread URL. Summarize also allows you to upload PDFs and summarize their contents. The tool is developed by Maail and provides a seamless and convenient way to interact with AI technologies like ChatGPT. Whether you need to create carousels for social media or engage in deeper conversations, Summarize has got you covered.

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⭐ Summarizethis Core features

  • ✔️ Summarizing text
  • ✔️ Summarizing pdfs
  • ✔️ Summarizing youtube videos
  • ✔️ Summarizing twitter threads
  • ✔️ Uploading and summarizing pdfs

⚙️ Summarizethis use case ideas

  1. Creating social media carousels based on summaries that you make from videos or documents.
  2. Create summaries for video, text or PDF files and extract insights.

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❓ Summarizethis FAQ

Summarize is an AI tool that helps you summarize text, PDFs, YouTube videos, and Twitter threads. It has a free iOS app with additional shortcuts and supports open AI API integration to easily summarize any type of content.
Getting started with Summarizethis is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Summarizethis uses a Free pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of Summarizethis include:
  • Students
  • Researchers
  • Professionals
  • Writers
  • Content creators
Yes, Summarizethis offers a mobile app to enhance your experience and provide flexibility in using the platform.
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Summarizethis enjoys a popularity rating of 3.94/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. It receives an estimated average of 4.6K visits per month, indicating interest and engagement among users.