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What is Simplified?

Simplifi is an AI-powered all-in-one app that provides users with tools for graphic design, copywriting, social media management, and video editing. It also offers features such as background remover, content rewriter, and long-form writer. Users can plan, publish and analyze their social media activities in one place, and collaborate with their team seamlessly. Simplifi has been positively reviewed by over 1 million users.

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⭐ Simplified Core features

  • ✔️ Graphic design
  • ✔️ Copywriting
  • ✔️ Social media management
  • ✔️ Video editing
  • ✔️ Background remover
  • ✔️ Content rewriter
  • ✔️ Long-form writer

⚙️ Simplified use case ideas

  1. Create social media graphics and videos.
  2. Write and edit copy for marketing campaigns.
  3. Collaborate with team on content creation.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Marketing professionals
Small business owners
Social media managers
Content creators
Graphic designers
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❓ Simplified FAQ

Simplifi is an all-in-one app with AI-powered graphic design, copywriting, social media management, and video editing tools.
Getting started with Simplified is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Simplified uses a Freemium pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of Simplified include:
  • Marketing professionals
  • Small business owners
  • Social media managers
  • Content creators
  • Graphic designers
  • Copywriters
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Simplified enjoys a popularity rating of 7.34/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. Specific monthly traffic data may not be available yet on our platform.