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What is PrepAI?

Prepai is an AI-powered test generator that creates question papers instantly. It offers various question types, including MCQs, descriptive questions, fill-in-the-blank, true/false quizzes, and statement-based questions. Prepai removes human bias and error judgments, making the process of creating papers less hassled. It is affordable and capable of improving dramatically through cutting-edge algorithms. With its intuitive menu options, it saves time and effort by allowing easy upload of content, making it the go-to platform to streamline and maximize test preparation.

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⭐ PrepAI Core features

  • ✔️ Generate mcqs
  • ✔️ Generate descriptive questions
  • ✔️ Generate fill-in-the-blank questions
  • ✔️ Generate true/false quizzes
  • ✔️ Generate statement-based questions

⚙️ PrepAI use case ideas

  1. Streamlining test preparation.
  2. Maximizing test preparation efficiency.
  3. Reducing human bias and error judgments in test creation.

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💰 PrepAI Pricing

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❓ PrepAI FAQ

Prepai is an AI-powered test generator that instantly creates question papers of various types, removes human bias and error judgments, and saves time and effort through intuitive menu options.
Getting started with PrepAI is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
PrepAI uses a Freemium pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of PrepAI include:
  • Teachers
  • Educators
  • Test creators
  • Institutions
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