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What is Passarel?

Passarel is an AI tool that simplifies teammate onboarding and helps develop custom GPT.It streamlines the process of onboarding new team members and ensures that the onboarding experience remains efficient.

You can grow your team quickly by centralizing knowledge bases and allowing new teammates to get answers from an AI model without any wait times.It also offers various integrations that enable you to make language models tailored to your team's specific needs.

It handles different kinds of knowledge or make language models more personalized.

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⭐ Passarel Core features

  • ✔️ Simplify teammate onboarding
  • ✔️ Develop custom gpt-like models
  • ✔️ Centralize knowledge bases
  • ✔️ Personalized language models
  • ✔️ Make tailored language models

⚙️ Passarel use case ideas

  1. Efficient teammate onboarding process.
  2. Centralizing knowledge bases.
  3. Creating personalized language models.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Hr managers
Team leads
Project managers
It administrators
Customer support agents
Employee trainers
Business owners
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❓ Passarel FAQ

Passarel is an AI tool for teammate onboarding and custom GPT-like models. It centralizes knowledge bases, provides instant answers from an AI model, and offers integrations for personalized language models.
Getting started with Passarel is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Passarel uses a Subscription pricing model
The typical users of Passarel include:
  • Hr managers
  • Team leads
  • Project managers
  • It administrators
  • Customer support agents
  • Employee trainers
  • Business owners
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Passarel enjoys a popularity rating of 3.11/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. Specific monthly traffic data may not be available yet on our platform.