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What is Moly?

Moli is an AI tool that helps users generate high-quality content quickly and easily. It can be used for social media, blog posts, advertising, job ads and specs, email conversions, website copywriting, and e-commerce. Moli offers a free plan and two paid plans for users of different needs. The tool also includes a Chrome extension for easy use on any platform.

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⭐ Moly Core features

  • ✔️ Social media
  • ✔️ Blog posts
  • ✔️ Advertising
  • ✔️ Job ads and specs
  • ✔️ Email conversions

⚙️ Moly use case ideas

  1. Quickly generate social media posts.
  2. Effortlessly create blog content.
  3. Generate product descriptions for e-commerce.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Content creators
Freelance writers
Business owners
Seo specialists
Anybody who needs to generate high-quality content quickly

💰 Moly Pricing

Prices are subject to change. Always verify pricing information.

Pay as you go launch offer

$0.03 per answered message
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❓ Moly FAQ

Moli is an AI tool for generating high-quality content quickly and easily, with various applications and pricing plans, including a Chrome extension.
Getting started with Moly is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Moly uses a Freemium pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of Moly include:
  • Marketers
  • Content creators
  • Freelance writers
  • Business owners
  • Seo specialists
  • Bloggers
  • Students
  • Anybody who needs to generate high-quality content quickly
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Moly enjoys a popularity rating of 3.12/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. It receives an estimated average of 804 visits per month, indicating interest and engagement among users.