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What is LiveChatAI?

Livechatai is an AI chatbot and live chat software that blends AI and human support seamlessly to enhance customer interactions. It is designed to resolve 70% of customer support queries instantly, saving time for both teams and customers with AI-powered answers. With livechatai, you can quickly train AI with specific content and launch a GPT-powered live chat in minutes, empowering your customer support team with responsive and precise assistance. The tool supports 95 languages for instant localization and provides accurate and relevant responses by learning directly from your brand's unique content. Additionally, livechatai can triage complex problems and seamlessly pass them to human support teams for the best possible customer experience.

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⭐ LiveChatAI Core features

  • ✔️ AI chatbot functionality
  • ✔️ Seamless blending of AI and human support
  • ✔️ GPT-powered live chat
  • ✔️ Support for 95 languages for instant localization
  • ✔️ Ability to triage complex problems and pass them to human support teams

⚙️ LiveChatAI use case ideas

  1. Automate customer support inquiries by utilizing Livechatai to quickly train AI with specific content, enabling it to resolve 70% of queries instantly and saving valuable time for both teams and customers..
  2. Enhance customer interactions by seamlessly blending AI and human support with Livechatai's GPT-powered live chat, providing responsive and precise assistance within minutes to empower your customer support team..
  3. Improve global customer reach by leveraging Livechatai's support for 95 languages for instant localization, ensuring accurate and relevant responses tailored to your brand's unique content..

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Customer support leaders
Business owners
Customer service agents

💰 LiveChatAI Pricing

Prices are subject to change. Always verify pricing information.

Basic personal use


Small businesses


Advanced mıd-sızed businesses


Scaling businesses

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❓ LiveChatAI FAQ

LiveChatAI is an AI-driven tool that resolves 70% of customer queries instantly using GPT technology. It learns from brand content to deliver accurate responses in 95 languages, while escalating complex issues to human agents for smooth customer interactions.
Getting started with LiveChatAI is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
LiveChatAI uses a Freemium pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of LiveChatAI include:
  • Customer support leaders
  • Business owners
  • Customer service agents
Yes, LiveChatAI provides an API that developers can use to integrate its AI capabilities into their own applications.
Follow LiveChatAI on social media to stay updated with the latest news and features:
LiveChatAI enjoys a popularity rating of 5.28/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. It receives an estimated average of 80.8K visits per month, indicating interest and engagement among users.