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What is Legacies?

Legaci is an AI-powered tool that helps individuals and families write custom obituaries for loved ones with a human touch. It uses GPT-3 artificial intelligence and human guidance to create fully-custom obituaries, including special memories, services, details, and facts. It also offers tone control and generates high-resolution custom imagery for use in services, social media, and long-form remembrances. The tool is free and also provides additional support networks for death doulas, funeral homes, and more.

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⭐ Legacies Core features

  • ✔️ Custom obituary creation
  • ✔️ Human touch
  • ✔️ Gpt-3 artificial intelligence
  • ✔️ Tone control
  • ✔️ High-resolution custom imagery

⚙️ Legacies use case ideas

  1. Create personalized obituaries for loved ones.
  2. Assist death doulas and funeral homes.
  3. Generate high-resolution imagery for services and social media.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Death doulas
Funeral homes
Social media users
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❓ Legacies FAQ

Legaci is an AI-powered tool that generates custom obituaries using GPT-3 with tone control, custom imagery, support networks for death doulas, funeral homes, and social media.
Getting started with Legacies is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Legacies uses a Free pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of Legacies include:
  • Death doulas
  • Funeral homes
  • Social media users
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