What is KoboldCPP?

KoboldCpp is a versatile AI text-generation tool designed to run various GGML and GGUF models with the KoboldAI user interface.This software supports a wide range of models, including LLAMA, LLAMA2, GPT-2, GPT-J, RWKV, and many others.

Key features include easy installation with a self-contained executable, native support for image generation using StableDiffusion models, and options for CUDA and CLBlast acceleration to enhance performance.

Its rich UI offers persistent stories, editing tools, memory, world info, author's notes, characters, and scenarios.KoboldCpp ensures backward compatibility with legacy GGML models and supports the latest GGUF models.

It provides both a GUI and command-line interface, making it suitable for various user preferences and setups, and offers a Colab Notebook for quick and easy cloud-based use.Additionally, it is available for Windows, Linux, OSX, and even Android through Termux.

⚙ī¸ Use cases and applications

  1. Generate AI-driven text for creative writing, including stories and character dialogue.
  2. Utilize GPU acceleration for faster model performance and image generation using StableDiffusion.
  3. Run and manage multiple AI models across different platforms, including Windows, Linux, OSX, and Android.
  4. Run opensource AI models locally and offline to complete privacy.

🙋‍♂ī¸ Who uses KoboldCPP

KoboldCPP is used by and benefiting different user groups including but not limited to some of the following users:

Ai enthusiast
Ai developers
Privacy seekers
Opensource ai models users

ℹī¸ Find more & support

KoboldCPP provides programmatic access via an API which makes it easy to use it in your own applications or integrate it with other tools.

You can also find more information, get support and follow KoboldCPP updates on the following channels:

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🔎 KoboldCPP top alternatives

These are the top alternatives for KoboldCPP compared. View all KoboldCPP alternatives

  • Ollama.ai

    4 (4)
    Pricing: Free
    Key Features:
    • - Customize language models.
    • - Create language models.
    • - Run large language models locally.
    • - Control ai models privacy.
    • - Download for macos, windows, and linux.
    See Details >>
  • Jan

    5 (0)
    Pricing: Free
    Key Features:
    • - Operates entirely offline on user's computer.
    • - Customizable AI assistants.
    • - Global hotkeys for easy access.
    • - In-line AI capabilities for productivity enhancement.
    • - OpenAI-equivalent API server for integration with other apps.
    See Details >>
  • Oobabooga

    0 (0)
    Pricing: Free
    Key Features:
    See Details >>