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What is Hello8?

Hello8 is an AI tool designed to help content creators, marketers, agencies, and online teachers reach a global audience by translating videos into 29+ languages with human-like voices in just one click. With advanced features, users can stay in control of every word and tailor messages to resonate across different markets and cultures.

Supported languages include English, Spanish, French, Hindi, Italian, Turkish, German, and many more. Accelerate content translation from weeks to minutes using the latest AI technology and achieve fast impact with localization to adapt content to local languages and cultures.

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⭐ Hello8 Core features

  • ✔️ Translate videos into 29+ languages with human-like voices in one click
  • ✔️ Advanced features for user control and message customization
  • ✔️ Support for various languages including English, Spanish, French, Hindi, Italian, Turkish, German, and more
  • ✔️ Accelerate content translation from weeks to minutes using AI technology
  • ✔️ Localization to adapt content to local languages and cultures

⚙️ Hello8 use case ideas

  1. Create multilingual online courses easily by translating course videos into multiple languages with natural-sounding voices, helping online teachers reach a wider international student base effortlessly.
  2. Efficiently localize marketing campaigns by translating promotional videos into various languages, ensuring messages resonate across different cultures and regions to maximize audience engagement and conversion rates.
  3. Streamline content creation processes by translating social media videos into multiple languages with human-like voices, enabling content creators and agencies to efficiently cater to diverse global audiences and expand their reach.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Content creators
Global businesses
Marketing teams
Localization teams
Course creators

💰 Hello8 Pricing

Prices are subject to change. Always verify pricing information.






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❓ Hello8 FAQ

Hello8 AI tool instantly multilingual transcribes videos into 29+ languages using natural voices. It enables creators to easily reach global audiences by customizing messages for specific markets, boosting time-efficiency and engagement through localized content.
Getting started with Hello8 is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Hello8 uses a Free trial pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of Hello8 include:
  • Content creators
  • Global businesses
  • Marketing teams
  • Localization teams
  • Youtubers
  • Course creators
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