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What is GptDuck?

The AI tool, called GPT Duck, offers the ability to create an embed code for a GitHub repository. The repository must be public, contain less than 200 files, and be under 100MB. There is also an option to upgrade and set higher limits. Users can ask questions and learn about specific files, functions, and code definitions within the repository. Repo indexing takes 15 seconds if indexed or several minutes if not indexed, depending on the repository size.

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⭐ GptDuck Core features

  • ✔️ Create embed code
  • ✔️ Learn about specific files
  • ✔️ Functions
  • ✔️ Code definitions

⚙️ GptDuck use case ideas

  1. Generate embed code for GitHub repository.
  2. Search for specific files and functions within a GitHub repository.
  3. Index and analyze a GitHub repository for code insights.

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❓ GptDuck FAQ

GPT Duck offers a GitHub repository embed code creator with optional upgrades for higher limits.
Getting started with GptDuck is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
GptDuck uses a None pricing model
The typical users of GptDuck include:
  • Developers
  • Github users
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