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What is GPTAnywhere?

GPTAnywhere is a ChatGPT desktop client designed to make communicating with ChatGPT effortless and efficient. Built with the powerful GPT-3 technology, GPTAnywhere offers many features such as: Easy one-click jailbreak with DAN, access conversations offline, accepts native terminal commands (beta), suggest powerful ChatGPT prompts, auto-save, and more. GTPAnywhere offers clients for both Mac and Windows users.

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⭐ GPTAnywhere Core features

  • ✔️ Jailbreaking
  • ✔️ Offline access
  • ✔️ Terminal commands
  • ✔️ Chatgpt prompt suggestions

⚙️ GPTAnywhere use case ideas

  1. Chat with local documents and files in real time.
  2. Save and access conversations with ChatGPT offline.
  3. Increase productivity with customizable keyboard shortcuts.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Mac users
Windows users
Chatgpt users
People looking for desktop clients for ai models
Users seeking advanced features like one-click jailbreak, offline access, and native terminal commands
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❓ GPTAnywhere FAQ

Anywhere is a desktop client for ChatGPT with features like one-click jailbreak, offline access, native terminal commands, powerful prompt suggestions, auto-save, and support for both Mac and Windows users.
Getting started with GPTAnywhere is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
GPTAnywhere uses a Free pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.
The typical users of GPTAnywhere include:
  • Mac users
  • Windows users
  • Chatgpt users
  • People looking for desktop clients for ai models
  • Users seeking advanced features like one-click jailbreak, offline access, and native terminal commands
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