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What is Drippi.ai?

Drippi.ai is an AI-based tool that helps with personalized cold outreach messages and inbox management. It automates the process of creating highly personalized Twitter direct messages (DMs) and also provides a lead scraping system to find prospects that match the target audience's occupation, industry, and interests. Its AI algorithm analyzes a lead's profile and creates personalized messages, resulting in higher reply rates and better engagement.

It also provides comprehensive analytics to track lead responses and reply rates to enable data-driven decisions to improve campaigns and increase ROI. Drippi.ai's CRM offers filters, auto-replies, and quick responses to organize inbox conversations with leads.

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⭐ Drippi.ai Core features

  • ✔️ Personalized cold outreach
  • ✔️ Lead scraping
  • ✔️ Comprehensive analytics
  • ✔️ Crm organization

⚙️ Drippi.ai use case ideas

  1. Automated personalized twitter DM creation for cold outreach campaigns.
  2. Lead scraping for target audience on twitter.
  3. Comprehensive analytics for data-driven decisions for your twitter account.

🙋‍♂️ Users of this tool

Sales professionals
Marketing teams
Business developers
Client success teams
Small business owners
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❓ Drippi.ai FAQ

Drippi.ai is an AI-based tool for personalized cold outreach messages and inbox management that automates lead generation, analysis, and organization.
Getting started with Drippi.ai is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.
Drippi.ai uses a Subscription pricing model
The typical users of Drippi.ai include:
  • Sales professionals
  • Marketing teams
  • Business developers
  • Client success teams
  • Small business owners
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Drippi.ai enjoys a popularity rating of 5.27/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. It receives an estimated average of 79.3K visits per month, indicating interest and engagement among users.