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What is juucy.io?

juucy is an AI-powered recruiting platform that automates the hiring process for talent.It allows you to specify your requirements and collaborate with a human talent acquisition manager to gain an in-depth understanding of your hiring needs.

The platform uses unique data from its platform to engage with thousands of ready-to-hire candidates, qualify applicants, and automate recruiting processes.juucy learns to improve its workflows and actions based on valuable feedback, ensuring better results over time.

With juucy, you can hire vetted talent 10x faster, save 80% of your recruiting budget compared to jobboards or agencies, and leverage the technology to fill all of your open tech roles.The platform also offers human augmentation, with all applicants being additionally qualified by humans to achieve the best possible accuracy.

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⚙ī¸ Use case ideas for juucy.io

  1. Efficient and automated tech talent acquisition with human guidance.
  2. Streamlined hiring process and save time on every step.
  3. Cost-effective recruiting solution to boost the hiring team's productivity.

🙋‍♂ī¸ Users who use this tool

juucy.io is used by many user groups, including but not limited to some of the following:

Hr managers,
Business owners

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In summary Juucy is an AI-powered recruiting tool that automates the hiring process, saving you time and money.The tool uses unique data and engages thousands of ready-to-hire candidates, qualifies applicants, and automates recruiting processes.

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